I wrote an album.

That’s a little clickbait-y, but it’s true.

Here’s a little bit of a behind-the-scenes into the new music that will be coming out, and why I am more excited than ever.

In the back of my mind, a full album has always been sort of a musical Mt. Everest that I assumed I didn’t have the creativity to accomplish. But somehow in the summer of 2020, without warning or intention, I wrote a complete album. Most of it was written over the course of just a few weeks. And best of all, the songs felt genuinely me.

It started with writing a few sporadic songs. Without planning for it, they all were somewhat existential. I started to write around that theme: existence. My existence. Life, death, and everything in between. I’m a pretty mellow dude in real life, but somehow this super-existential story of songs were coming together easier than ever before. I blinked and had a dozen existential voice memos ready to roll.

Because the songs felt so genuinely from me and the core of my own existence, I felt the production should come from the same place. So I rode a steep learning curve and began to produce them on my own. I recorded most of the tracks in the same room I wrote them all: my bedroom. A little bedroom in a little apartment in Ames, Iowa. It is the middle of nowhere, surrounded by corn. But it’s the place I currently live and love, so I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

The end result are songs that feel like they truly embody me, more than most songs I’ve created up to now. Honestly, I’ve enjoyed the journey of creating these songs so much that I genuinely would be satisfied with them even if no one else ever heard them. It feels crazy to me. But, of course, I am going to release them, and I’m thrilled to do so.

So… this might be the right time to clarify something: This is not an announcement that I am releasing an album.

In 2020, I more than tripled my discography. It was a wild ride. Two EPs, a Christmas song, and an acoustic arrangement from the second EP. A lot of music was rolling out, and slowing down would have been a bummer. So, rather than going radio silent and not releasing anything for a year or more while I recorded the album, I will be releasing the album in pieces.

By summer 2022, the album will be out as it was written.

So here’s what I will say: The first EP is done. It’s called Songs from Davis. On July 9, the first single entitled “Eason” will be released. As I write this in early July 2021, I am rounding the corner on the production for the rest of the album.

Like I said, these songs mean a lot to me, I’m enjoying creating them more than I thought possible, and I cannot wait for them all to be released in the wild! I hope you enjoy them as much as I have, but honestly, that’s quite a high bar to reach.


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